Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 at 10:04pm

Washington County Republican Party Officers Elected

Posted by admin

The Washington County Republican Party held elections for the 2013-2014 Executive Committee positions at their January 21, 2013 Central Committee meeting. Lisa Kramer retired as Secretary after faithfully serving 6 years with distinction . Elected to replace Lisa as Secretary was Dawn Klein. Re-elected as Chairman was John Orr, Vice Chairman Jeff Burianek and Treasurer Kent Van Horn. All current Central Committee members were re-elected along with new members Darren Klein and Lisa Osika. Lisa Kramer will remain an active member of the Central Committee as well. Please visit our WCRP Leadership page for our full list of Central Committee members and contact information. (Below L-R: John Orr, Kent Van Horn, Dawn Klein, Jeff Burianek)

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