Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 at 10:03am

Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission

Posted by admin

The Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission is an independent agency of the State of Nebraska. The Commission administers and enforces the State’s campaign finance laws, its lobbying laws, and its conflict of interest laws. Their website contains all the campaign filings made by all Nebraska candidates required by law.

To view a candidate’s financing, contributions and expenditure details click on View campaign filings and fill in the candidates last name in the search box. Once you find a candidate, you need to click on their current campaign filings link. You will then find details on each tab; Campaign Committee, Financial Summary, Schedule “A” (individuals contributing over $250), Schedule “B” (businesses, PACS and other entities contributing over $250), Schedule “C” (loans), Schedule “D” (expenditures).

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