Monday, July 29th, 2013 at 2:47pm

2013 County Fair Parade & Ice Cream Social!

Posted by admin

The 2013 Washington County Fair Parade and Washington County Republican Party Ice Cream Social were a big success. The weather couldn’t have been better with both events well attended. The Washington County Republican Party served over 900 servings of ice cream this year. Republican candidates and office holders attending the parade and Ice Cream Social included: Senator Lydia Brasch, Senator Pete Pirsch, Senator Charlie Janssen running for Governor, Bart McLeay running for U.S. Senator, former National Committeeman Pete Ricketts considering a run for Governor, Sheriff Mike Robinson, NRD Board Member Scott Japp,Deputy Don Morgan running for Sheriff.
2013 County Fair Parade & ICe Cream Social photo album
2013 County Fair parade pic695px

One Response to “2013 County Fair Parade & Ice Cream Social!”

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