WCRP Platform – 2024

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” – The Declaration of Independence

We agree with the understanding of the founding fathers and the founding documents, that:
• Rights, and the authority associated with those rights, are given to individuals from our Creator (not from governments, or humans)
• Governments receive their authority from the consent of individuals, and do not have inherent authority apart from the individual.
Authority comes from the Creator, to people, and from people to government.
• Rights shall not be infringed.
• It is the obligation and responsibility of the people to exercise and defend their rights, since the rights are entrusted to the individual by the Creator.
• It is the primary responsibility of governments to secure the rights of the people from infringement since their authority comes from the people.

The Washington County Republican Party recognizes agriculture in all its many facets, including farming, ranching, and agribusiness, as Nebraska’s primary industry and the cornerstone of its economy. We believe the agricultural economy must be consistently based in a market-oriented approach.
We, however, recognize the potential need for isolated transitional programs that are balanced fairly to not adversely affect any single commodity.
We support the establishment of expanded markets as part of a fair and open global marketplace.
We recognize that maintaining such a marketplace can require the enforcement of restrictions and the creation of reasonable regulations for that purpose.
We believe in a free and open marketplace functioning in fairness to family farms, ranches, and smaller and independent agribusiness operations, and we encourage the enforcement of state and federal anti-trust laws to their benefit. We encourage incentives for new farmers and ranchers to help offset the dwindling number of Nebraska family farms and ranches. We also encourage the promotion of value-added programs for agribusiness. We encourage continuing research and development in agricultural products as well as the maintenance and support of research facilities.
We further support programs designed to introduce creative agribusiness techniques and uses of agricultural products.
Due to the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s and the United States’ economy, we oppose the sale and ownership of agricultural land to foreign powers or state actors and encourage the transparency of private ownership.
We support the proliferation of locally owned and operated agricultural producers and the local control of agricultural means of production.

Crime and Public Protection
The Washington County Republican Party believes the rights of society and the rights of the individual are both important and must be protected. We support the work of law enforcement across the state. The judicial system must impose swift and fair punishment for all crimes, violent and non-violent.
Non-prison punishment and rehabilitation for first-time non-violent offenders should be supported. We encourage the work of Christian organizations in providing support services in these processes.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
The widespread abuse of drugs and the immoderate use of alcohol are threats to all members of society, especially our children. We urge strict enforcement of laws to control and punish those who deal in illegal drugs. We oppose the legalization of marijuana and other controlled substances. We recognize the need to increase the availability of addiction prevention and rehabilitation. Judges shall adhere to and enforce rulings according to the laws as passed.
Capital Punishment
We support capital punishment for heinous crimes. We call upon the members of the Unicameral to adopt and support sound methods for enforcement and we call upon the members of the Judiciary to limit endless appeals in a manner that is consistent with the due process rights of defendants.
We encourage our citizens, our elected officials, and the courts to fight domestic violence, child abuse and human trafficking. We support the development AND strict enforcement of protective legislation, programs and support reforms within state protective service organizations.
Support for Law Enforcement Officers
Local law enforcement exists first and foremost to uphold the constitutional rights of the constituency, and if necessary, join with the constituency in protecting them from constitutional infringement by government . Secondarily, they will enforce the rule of local law. We support, uphold, and promote public respect for the Law and all Law Enforcement Officers.
We call on increased support for their safety, health, and wellness. We strongly support our Nebraska Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders and formally extend our gratitude for the invaluable job of keeping our neighborhoods safe.

The military’s purpose is to support and defend the United States. The Washington County Republican Party believes the policy of “peace through strength” is essential for both the preservation of America and the promotion of freedom and self-government. The men and women of our armed forces should always be adequately compensated, equipped, and trained to be the finest soldiers in the world. Our greatest asset, the people on whom our security depends, deserves our constant long-term investment in quality, morale, and safety.
We support the continuous strengthening of our military and funding of further development of any national defense system which helps preserve and protect the United States and its citizens.
We object to the use of the United States military to further social agendas that conflict with good order, morale, and discipline. We strongly oppose the placing of men and women of our armed forces under the command of the United Nations or any foreign leadership . We oppose illegal immigrants and DACA being conscripted to the military or law enforcement.
We oppose conscription.
We oppose expanding democracy through initiating further wars.
We support limited spending on foreign wars with accountability and transparency in place prior to the release of funds supporting those wars.
We call on the Federal Government to immediately secure our borders.
We call on border states to secure the international border where the Federal Government fails to do so.
We call on internal states, specifically the State of Nebraska, to support the border states in securing their borders.

Economic Development
The Washington County Republican Party is dedicated to principles of full employment and the creation of economic opportunity for all citizens of Nebraska through the free enterprise system. We strongly support the free enterprise system as the best path to prosperity in the history of humanity.
We support aggressive and judicious recruitment and retention of businesses for the state. We oppose burdensome taxes and regulations that unduly interfere with and impede the free market.
High taxes and regulatory burdens decrease opportunity and increase needless, avoidable suffering. We support a capital gains rate that spurs economic development and creates jobs. We support the establishment of fair and equitable policies of taxation and the promotion of business expansion. We encourage the use of common sense in both the elimination and enforcement of governmental regulation.
Maintaining necessary infrastructure that would include quality roads, bridges, and highways, among other essential services, is imperative in fostering economic growth, interstate commerce, international competitiveness, and national security. We support the establishment of enterprise zones in areas where needed to stimulate growth and development. We encourage the promotion of electronic commerce as it facilitates opportunities for economic expansion, especially in rural communities. We recognize that the revitalization and repopulation of rural Nebraska is vital to the well-being of the entire state.
Homeownership expands personal liberty, builds communities, and helps Americans create wealth. Homeownership is best fostered by a growing economy with low-interest rates, as well as prudent regulation, financial education to prevent another housing collapse, and targeted assistance to responsible borrowers.

We support a comprehensive review of children’s education across local and state levels. The rights of parents as the primary educators of their children must be acknowledged and held supreme. Taxpayers must be acknowledged as the funders of public education and their rights acknowledged, and all forms of state education funding should be reviewed and improved.
We reaffirm our belief that control of all aspects of public education should rest with local school boards, not state or federal agencies. We urge citizens to require fiscal and educational accountability from policy makers, educational institutions, and educational professionals to assure that quality services are being rendered.
We support statewide assessments of educational achievement and the administration of the ACT or SAT to all Nebraska 11th-graders. We oppose testing to identify physical, psychological, emotional or developmental disabilities without parental consent. We recognize and commend the dedicated educators and administrators who strive to prepare the students for future decision making that will directly affect the freedom and security of the United States.
We encourage patriotism, respect for the American flag and an understanding of our nation’s ideals, which make our form of government the best in the world.
We believe the family to be our country’s basic institution and as such should be encouraged to take a larger, not smaller, role in education. We support parental freedom in education, including alternatives to public schools such as private, parochial, and home schools.
We believe that all schools and educators, whether public, private, or home school, be recognized for their contributions to the future of our state.
We oppose the instruction of foreign customs and culture, as well as revisionist history, including Sharia law, the 1619 Project, and Critical Race Theory in our education system and call on school board members and university regents to oppose the use of public schools and finances to teach principles hostile to the founding principles, native customs, and true history of the United States.
We support the right of parents to personally observe all classroom instruction and activities. We strongly support the teaching of the scientific, biologically verifiable X and Y chromosomal definition of male and female at birth, and the use of locker rooms, sports team qualifications, and restrooms based on the same definition.
We oppose training transgender and homosexual ideology.
We oppose Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
We oppose Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) education.

We believe our elections are vulnerable and compromised. Loopholes must be closed. Early and mail-in voting, where not necessary, must be ended (absentee voting out of necessity, not convenience, should be allowed). We support hand counting or other non-electronic methods of counting. We support a state and/or Federal holiday be implemented for voting in general elections. We oppose ballot drop boxes.
The Washington County Republican Party supports reorganizing the presidential primary system on a regional basis. We also support Nebraska in joining 48 other states by returning to a “winner-take all” format for allocating our five Electoral College votes for president. We support a closed primary system.
The Washington County Republican Party supports the Electoral College for electing the President of the United States and opposes efforts to undermine this process.
Initiative Petition and Referendum
The first power reserved by the people is the initiative whereby laws may be enacted, and constitutional amendments adopted by the people independently of the Legislature. Initiative petition and referendum are the tools the people use to address their perceived needs or grievances.
Signature requirements for initiative petitions and referendums should be based on the number of electors who voted in the most recent election for Governor as specified in Article III, section 4 of the Nebraska Constitution.
The integrity of elections is one of the most critical issues in our Republic. To secure our elections for future generations, we support requiring government-issued picture ID for voting and proof of citizenship at the time of voter registration. To guard against unfair practices and guarantee an open and transparent auditing process, we support a requirement that each vote cast in all elections be documented by a paper record in addition to any digital ballot cast. Because of its potential for abuse and fraud, the Washington County Republican Party opposes ballot harvesting. We oppose ranked choice voting.
The Washington County Republican Party supports current state and local partisan elections and supports the expansion of partisan elections to all elected offices, including the state legislature. We oppose same day voter registration.
We support Nebraska’s current state law as it pertains only to the temporary suspension of voting privileges of individuals convicted of state or federal felonies, as well as reasonable waiting periods and processes (including the completion of parole and probation) before such privileges are restored.

The Washington County Republican Party believes in affordable prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, propane, home heating oil, and natural gas. We recognize and support the efforts to open the domestic market for energy exploration and production. We support efforts to further reduce energy costs through an all-of-the above energy approach and oppose top-down federal environmental mandates which place an unnecessary, costly burden.
We also support government policies to encourage and facilitate oil and gas exploration in the United States, including Alaska and off our coasts. Barriers should be removed so that new oil refineries can and will be constructed in the United States. In addition, government policy should encourage and facilitate the design and construction of safe nuclear power plants to supply the energy needed for future economic growth and to prevent massive price increases which will result in failure to develop additional electric energy supplies.
We acknowledge the importance of coal in the production of electricity in our state, and we oppose the federal government’s effort to end the use of coal for that purpose without offering any market-based solution to produce electricity in our state.
We support the development and production of alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydrogen, ethanol, and geothermal when they are economically feasible without subsidy and encourage all citizens to voluntarily do their part to conserve energy.
We oppose actions by the Congress that would increase the cost of energy to US consumers in the absence of clear proof that the current climate has been substantially changed by the activities of man and that any proposed solutions would be both science-based and cost-effective.
We oppose legislation to restrict the use of wood stoves, gas kitchen appliances, gasoline engines, etc.
We encourage the development and production of electric vehicles (EV) when they are economically feasible without subsidy. We furthermore recognize that most of the energy used to produce and charge an EV is not renewable or clean and is not as environmentally friendly as purported.

The Washington County Republican Party affirms our continuing commitment to clean air and water, productive lands, forests, abundant wildlife, aquifers, and responsible stewardship of our God-given natural heritage.
We believe that Nebraska’s water is a resource vital to economic health and maintaining a high quality of life. Its preservation is essential, and its management should occur on local and state levels and should address the potential of future water shortage. Nebraska’s water cannot be considered a saleable resource and must be protected from competing state and federal usage. We oppose the Waters of the U.S. regulation as it is another overreach of the EPA and oppose its reimposition.
We support a pragmatic, effective, and reasonable approach to the protection of our environment. We support streamlining the environmental regulatory system, providing the protection of the environment while still encouraging business profitability and responsible growth. Scientifically sound solutions to environmental problems must be sought through the free market system. We acknowledge everyone’s responsibility toward the preservation and enhancement of our environment and remain committed to programs such as recycling and tree planting. We support the celebration of Arbor Day.
Such policies as those concerning wetlands and endangered species must be balanced between environmental and economic concerns and should not threaten individual property rights.
We oppose the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) ideology.
We oppose the bureaucracy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
We oppose carbon credits or mandates.

The Washington County Republican Party affirms the family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development. A society is only as strong as its marriages and families, for the family nurtures those qualities necessary to maintain and advance civilization. We believe that the citizens of each state have the right to define marriage in their state and that the usurpation of that right by the U.S. Supreme Court was wrongful. We believe that the institution of marriage is crucial to the American family and that marriage should be defined as the legal union of one man and one woman.
We believe America was built on the institutions of home, family, religion, and neighborhood. From these basic building blocks came self-reliant individuals, prepared to exercise both rights and responsibilities. We oppose laws that would intrude unnecessarily on the rights of the family, contribute to the dissolution of the family, or interfere with parental rights.
We urge Nebraska to continue to remove obstacles to the permanent placement or adoption of foster children in homes offering strong family life based on traditional values.
We believe the guiding principle of the state and all elected officials should be the family. We call on our elected officials to reduce the financial and social burden on family formation and preservation and enact policies toward the same.

Fiscal Responsibility
The Washington County Republican Party believes less government is preferred. Government should make a dedicated effort to responsibly spend tax revenue. Public participation in every aspect of the budget process should be strongly encouraged and facilitated. We oppose any unfunded mandate by the state and federal government. Where appropriate, the private sector should be favored over the public sector.
We oppose bail outs for businesses deemed “too big to fail”.
We oppose printing more money to fund elected officials’ spending plans.
We oppose deficits.
We oppose socialism.
We oppose a Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC) – not to be confused with cryptocurrency.
We oppose student loan forgiveness. We also oppose loans from the government towards education and believe in the free market to distribute loans efficiently and equitably.
Federal Government
We support limited government.
We call upon Congress to reduce the size of federal government. The national debt and the federal budget deficit are unsustainable and threaten the economy and security of our nation and the wellbeing of future generations of Americans. We support a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
All tax monies not needed to efficiently run the federal government should be returned to all the taxpayers, especially the massive sums currently sent overseas for nonessential, non-humanitarian foreign aid. To permit the continuation of the family farm and small business, we urge the repeal of the federal estate tax. To encourage capital accumulation, we urge the repeal of the capital gains tax. We call upon Congress to adopt the FAIR tax or a flat tax.
We support the dissolution of both the IRS and Federal Reserve.
We encourage individual responsibility for retirement needs, children’s higher education, and better health care for our citizens. We urge the expanded use of the deductions for individual retirement accounts, educational IRAs, and medical savings accounts.
State Government
We support limited government.
Property Taxes present a challenge to society, as paying taxes on items already purchased per annum to fund local and state governments means that property is never truly freely owned by citizens. The Washington County Republican Party strongly encourages state and local taxing authorities to find alternative means for funding. We support the EPIC option.
We encourage our state leaders to continue to pursue the reduction of taxes for the benefit of our state. Any state revenues above reasonable reserves should be returned to Nebraska taxpayers. We support the repeal of the state inheritance tax and commend the Legislature for repealing the estate tax. We further commend the Legislature and Governor for adopting property tax relief. Nebraska remains a high-tax state, and we call upon the Governor and the Legislature to lower taxes and control spending in our state.
We urge the continual review of all tax entities in local and state government with the objective of eliminating unnecessary taxation and require all elected state officials to evaluate tax-spending policies to reduce property, sales, and income tax, and to reduce the size of state government when appropriate or necessary. We also oppose raising the gas tax and encourage alternative mechanisms to fund the infrastructure needs of our state’s highway and expressway system.
We believe in the individual’s right to participate in gambling wherein the current state laws allow. We disagree with the state’s benefit from gambling and should not be within the purview of the state (revenue generating or otherwise).

Foreign Policy
We support Israel.
We believe Ukraine has been a front for laundering money and corruption, and the current conflict is a continuation of that front.
The Washington County Republican Party believes foreign policy must have a reasonable relationship to our national interests and should never compromise the defense or security of the United States. We believe that the spread of religious, economic, and political freedoms is the best guarantee of peace.
We do not support the use of food as a weapon in foreign policy.
We support the efforts to significantly limit the amount of entangling overseas conflicts and wars in which the United States military is deployed and call on federally elected officials to continue the policy of judicious use of American military force in foreign conflicts, sparing our people’s treasure and lives from the excessive costs of war.

Freedom of Speech
We support the freedom of speech.
The Washington County Republican Party calls on federal officials to adopt policies to prevent social media and technology companies which function as public forums, from limiting access to services on the basis of ideology. (No basis needed) Companies reputed to be public forums and shielded from liability in as such should be compelled to serve the public regardless of political ideology. As social media platforms and technology companies serve as public forums, the Washington County Republican Party strongly opposes any actions by those companies in limiting access to services on the basis of ideology and expect elected officials to enforce our First Amendment rights when violations occur .
We oppose Dis, mis, or mal-information opposition legislation.
We oppose the legislation of “politically correct” (PC) or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) language such as pronoun usage.

Global Policy
We support America First, and America Independent.
We oppose centralization of power and formation of a one world government in the forms of a “New World Order”, “Great Reset”, or Agenda 2030, and 2050.
We oppose being beholden to the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, NATO, or the like.
We oppose centralized wealth in Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, and the like, whose stated aims include owning 60% of the US housing market by 2030.
We oppose universal Pandemic mandates and restrictions.
We oppose social credit scores nationally and internationally.

We support individual-funded healthcare. We believe taxpayer funded healthcare is socialism.
We oppose fines for those without health insurance.
We oppose excessive regulations that drive up the cost of healthcare.
We support un-regulated healthcare practice among consenting parties, where the treated party accepts risks of treatment when made transparently and in full understanding .
We support the rights of families to give birth to children un-regulated, wherever(privately), whenever, and with whomever they choose in attendance.
We believe that mental health care is as important as physical health care. We encourage the de-stigmatization of mental health care and encourage health care providers to include coverage for mental health in their policies.
We believe that reimbursement to providers must be adequate so that necessary health care services are available to all Nebraskans. Such reimbursements must be at a level that ensures providers’ uncompensated care costs are not shifted to other paying consumers.
We oppose any attempt to socialize or nationalize the American healthcare system. We support the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act–Obamacare–with market-based solutions.
We favor a tax policy that enhances the ability of individuals to purchase health care of their choice.
To give all citizens greater control over their health care options, we support measures such as medical savings accounts. We favor legislation to allow 100 percent deductibility for those who pay their own health insurance and long-term health care. We oppose employer mandates.
We support education to improve the health of Nebraskans. The right of individuals to be informed of exposure to health-harming elements must not be jeopardized by the legal basis of confidentiality.
We oppose taxpayer-funded abortion and contraceptive services or referrals by any official in a public school. We oppose taxpayer funding of any family planning programs that provide abortions or abortion referrals.

Homeland Security
The Washington County Republican Party believes that the primary purpose of government is to secure the rights of its citizens. We support efforts to defend the United States and the State of Nebraska from all threats, foreign and domestic, and support the allocation of resources to fund this priority.
We affirm that violent race-based organizations are terrorist groups that constitute a clear and present danger to the peace and stability of our community, nation, and world at large. As with all terrorist groups, foreign or domestic, we condemn all actions and messages of these groups and will not welcome their support or court the vote of their members. We are committed to the American ideal that all people are equal, regardless of race.
We oppose the Patriot Act, invasion of privacy, and legislated propaganda.
We encourage everyone to constitutionally arm themselves as desired and able .

Human Rights
The Washington County Republican Party reaffirms our commitment to the principle that all people have the inalienable right to human dignity and equal treatment under the law. We believe that the concept of equal rights and equal responsibilities under the law is basic to a free society. We support equal compensation for equal work and encourage employers to rededicate themselves to that concept.
We stand for the right of all people to succeed based on merit rather than non-merit-based considerations and, therefore, oppose preferences, set-asides, or guaranteed equality of results.
Mindful of our religious diversity, we reaffirm our commitment to the freedoms of religion and speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. We adamantly support the rights of all citizens to openly practice the same, including the rights of individuals to engage in voluntary prayer in schools or in any other public institution.
The Washington County Republican Party emphasizes its belief in personal responsibility and limited government interference in the lives of our citizens.
We believe that life begins at conception and that all innocent human life is precious and should be protected. We believe in prosecuting those who end that life. We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to the unborn. We oppose using public revenues for abortion, and our Party will not fund organizations that advocate it. We oppose the introduction, testing, or use of abortifacients. We call for the prosecution of those who traffic in the body parts of aborted unborn children and the defunding of any organization that engages in or allows such trafficking.
We believe that partial-birth abortion is tantamount to infanticide and should be banned across the nation. We oppose human cloning and research that destroys human embryos or uses fetal tissue from elective abortion.
We commend those who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the needs of mothers and families and by offering adoption services. We urge greater commitment individually and collectively to meeting these needs. We reaffirm our support for appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.
We are strongly opposed to any form of euthanasia or assisted suicide, and we believe that the traditional criteria for death should be applied before organ harvesting is allowed. We believe that the individual should make decisions regarding the artificial maintenance of his or her own life.
We view transgenderism as a perversion to the natural order, to be approached with compassion. We oppose transgender mixing in athletics and locker rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, etc.
We oppose drag shows for children, and other public forms of obscenity.
We oppose the public display of the pride flag based on the private sexual activity it overtly represents.
We oppose Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) ideology.
We hold that equality before the law applies to all, not just to protected classes. We oppose singling out any class of people as protected, as it creates inequality.
We oppose vaccine mandates, mask mandates, testing mandates, and the like , and hold that a human has the right to exist in public without proof of health status, and that the public itself is responsible for bearing the risk of mingling in public .

The Washington County Republican Party recognizes that our country is enriched with the vast influence of immigrants from all over the world who have come to the United States for the unlimited opportunities, freedom, and prosperity offered to every working citizen.
We support, welcome, and encourage the assimilation of all legal immigrants and others who are here pursuant to due process and are productive, law-abiding citizens. In fairness to them, we support stringent federal efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration.
We oppose providing taxpayer-funded benefits to those who have broken our immigration laws, such as taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition for illegal immigrants and encourage the Legislature to repeal such laws.
We oppose sanctuary status for cities or other government entities and call on federal and state officials to collaborate on the enforcement of existing immigration laws.
Anyone who illegally enters the country must immediately be deported.
We oppose allowing illegal immigrants to vote or be employed.
We oppose illegal immigrants and DACA being conscripted into the nation’s military or law enforcement without first becoming naturalized citizens.

The Washington County Republican Party favors the appointment and confirmation of judges who will follow the Constitution as it is written and not legislate their personal preferences from the bench.
We oppose efforts to expand the federal Supreme Court to include new justices.

Local Government
We support limited government.
We support the attendance of citizens and free expression at all taxing authority meetings wherein the levy of a tax is on the agenda. Proactively notifying citizens and promoting the meetings is encouraged and supported.
We oppose Metropolitan Area Planning Association (MAPA) implementation of global Agenda 2030 in Washington County in the planning and zoning comprehensive plan and regulations.

Official Language
The Washington County Republican Party supports a Constitutional amendment and legislation establishing English as the official language of the United States.

Private Property Ownership
We support fair, just, and timely compensation for property owners when governmental regulations limit property use.
We support the fundamental right to own and to enjoy our private property and we oppose “regulatory taking” of private property rights, for example, through the designation of National Heritage Areas.
We oppose levying taxes against private property .
We oppose restrictive regulations on private property use.

Right to Bear Arms
Except where rights are conditional on age or forfeited through crime and punishment: The right of ANY person to bear ANY arms at ANY time in ANY public (non-private) place shall not be infringed in ANY way.
Red Flag Laws are not supported, and the restriction of 2nd Amendment rights must be allowed only sparingly.

Senior Americans
The Washington County Republican Party believes that our senior citizens deserve the opportunity to live their lives with dignity and participation in the social programs they contributed to.
We believe in the gradual and compassionate phase-out of the Social Security and Medicare systems in favor of individual responsibility for retirement investment and healthcare.
Long-term health care is the greatest unmet essential need faced by older Americans. We encourage and support the private and charitable sectors’ roles in assisting the elderly.

Social Services
The Washington County Republican Party believes that those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by the benevolence of society, and that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting, productive citizens with pride in their independence.

State Government
The Washington County Republican Party believes in a partisan legislature as an efficient and accountable branch of government. We support the public vote of our legislators for all legislative leadership posts. We call for increased transparency, efficiency, and accountability, and the reduction of regulatory burdens in our state government.
To balance rural, urban, and suburban interests in our state legislature, we support the return to a bicameral legislature whereby the upper house has fewer members but larger territorial areas to include a more diverse set of interests in the legislative process.
We support open ballots for Committee chairs and seats.
We support limited government.
We oppose bureaucracy.

U.S. Constitution
The Washington County Republican Party supports the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

The Washington County Republican Party thanks all those who have served and their families who bear the burdens of their service. We believe President Abraham Lincoln expressed it best when he stated that the obligation of our government was to “care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan.” We believe this has been the “implied contract” between the federal government and its citizen soldiers since this nation was formed.
Recognizing the special sacrifices of those that are serving and have served in our nation’s armed forces, we support reasonable compensation and state income tax exemption for the pay of Nebraska residents on active duty and for retirement benefits of veterans and their survivors. We support legislation to end means testing related to veterans’ benefits. We further support federal policies granting veterans greater flexibility and access to rightfully earned medical care .

The members, candidates, and elected representatives of the Washington County Republican Party recognize it is our obligation and responsibility to retain the rights entrusted to us, and to support the values of the platform as the conscience permits. We close as we opened, in solidarity with the Founders in the Declaration of Independence. “And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

Addendums to Washington County Party Platform

We propose that the following sections be reviewed and discussed prior to final approval at the 2024 Washington County Republican Party Convention:
Taxes shall be collected and shall be spent on securing our rights only (see Declaration of Independence). Whenever the government takes, or taxes our resources, we must remind each other of the gravity of this exchange, so that we can support right policy, and not be comfortable with any overreach, infringement, and socialism that is perpetrated. (Ask, “Should lethal force be used to pay for this policy?”)
Levying taxes is a grave matter. If a citizen objects to paying taxes, and fully resists and defends themselves from being taken to prison, the government will use lethal force. In short, if a person does not give the government what it demands, and fights to keep what is theirs, the government will kill them in that fight if necessary. Government is not faceless in this. It is the elected representatives that establish taxes, and it is the law enforcement that uses lethal force.
Taxes are a precarious arrangement. Government is an established mechanism capable of financing and enforcing any infringement of the rights that we are obligated to defend .