NEGOP Victory 2012 Press Conference!
NEGOP Chairman Mark Fahleson and Governor Dave Heineman hosted the Republican “Victory 2012 Press Conference” on Wednesday may 16, 2012 following a hard-fought primary. Jon Bruning and Don Stenberg pledged their full support for primary winner Deb Fischer in defeating Democrat Bob Kerrey in this fall’s general election.
2012 Soup Supper & Candidate Forum
Seventy people attended the 2012 Washington County Republican Party Soup Supper and Candidate Forum on Monday April 16th at the St. Francis Borgia Hall in Blair. Featured speakers included U.S. Senate candidates Deb Fischer, Jon Bruning and Pat Flynn as well as many other local candidates for office. Click HERE for the full list of forum speakers. 2012 Soup supper photo album
2012 US Senate Debate a Success!
Attendance for the 2012 US Senate debate held in Blair on Monday March 26th was 110 (including media). Straw poll results following the debate were: Deb Fischer – 46, Pat Flynn – 17, Don Stenber – 13, Jon Bruning – 3. A big thanks to moderator Lee Terry, Sr., stage designer Brad Andersen, the WCRP debate committee and all the volunteers to make this event a success. Video of US Senate Debate March 26, 2012