2010 Nebraska Republican State Convention!
The Nebraska Republican Party held its 2010 state convention in Fremont on Saturday July 31, 2010. All 12 of the WCRP delegates and alternate delegates attended the state convention. You can find 2010 state convention photos in the 2010 State convention photo album or just watch the convention photo slideshow.
1st district Chairman Tim O’Dell addresses the 2010 Nebraska Republican state convention:
Obama’s Latest Monstrosity
The 2,315 page Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill that President Obama signed into law earlier this week should not be called “financial reform.” Instead the bill, which passed the Senate 60-39 last week when Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown joined Maine Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to grant cloture, should be called for what it is: pages and pages of massively costly, counterproductive and possibly unconstitutional mandates on nearly every type of business except for those government-sponsored enterprises at the root of the crisis. Read more
Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
The Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission is an independent agency of the State of Nebraska. The Commission administers and enforces the State’s campaign finance laws, its lobbying laws, and its conflict of interest laws. Their website contains all the campaign filings made by all Nebraska candidates required by law.
To view a candidate’s financing, contributions and expenditure details click on View campaign filings and fill in the candidates last name in the search box. Once you find a candidate, you need to click on their current campaign filings link. You will then find details on each tab; Campaign Committee, Financial Summary, Schedule “A” (individuals contributing over $250), Schedule “B” (businesses, PACS and other entities contributing over $250), Schedule “C” (loans), Schedule “D” (expenditures).
Hiroshima vs. Detroit 65 years later
We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in August 1945 after the explosion of atomic bombs. However, we know little about the progress made by the people of that land during the past 65 years. View the Hiroshima vs. Detroit 65 years later page to see the comparison of what has take place in each city since the bombing. You will be amazed!
2010 Gateway Parade & BBQ in the Park
The Washington County Republican Party had over 20 walkers with their 2010 Gateway to the West Parade entry Saturday June 12th to hand out candy and fliers. 2010 Gateway Parade slideshow. WCRP also held a free BBQ following the parade at the Steyer Park pavilion that was attended by over 300 people. 2010 BBQ in the Park slideshow.